Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process! Tynga from Tynga's Reviews is is the host and you can Link up with her and join this meme here: Tynga's Reviews
Hey everyone! Welcome to another STS post,
This week I was super busy with the kiddos, trying to enjoy the summer and doing fun activities, like setting up a huge waterslide in the backyard. I threw down a huge piece of plastic added water and for even more slippery fun I added soap and it was a blast.
I hope your having a fun-filled summer, too!!
Ok, onto the books this week. I won some great books that I will show to you when I receive them in the mail, but I did receive TWO great books in the mail that I won from Alluring Reads!!
I also stopped at Wal-Mart and found two great books at great prices. I received some books to review also. So that's about it. I hope you have a fantastic week and will see your goodies soon!!
Don't forget to enter the two giveaways up on the blog, my birthday celebration giveaway and June's hottest release's giveaway. Also, on the June's hottest release giveaway you can leave a comment about what July release your most looking forward too, and maybe your choice will be part of July's Hottest Releases Giveaway!
GOODREADS Links in Pink and Blue
Bought at Walmart $5.99 ea

Lothaire is now available in trade paperback
Won From

Bought for Kindle :

Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend
Review copies
Thank You: Balzar & Bray, Greenwillow, Shiloh Walker, and Signet

Defiance Expected publication: August 28th 2012 by Balzer + Bray